The state of Virginia announced that they have passed legislation that requires internet safety education for all grade levels in their public schools. More detailed information about the law can be read in this article published by The News Virginian. While other states have passed internet safety legislation, Virginia is the first to require internet safety education for all grades. This bill looks like it was first passed by the Virginia legislature in 2006. The Virginia Department of Educational Technology website has a section dedicated to this bill. The page includes guidelines and resources for internet safety, powerpoint presentations for integrating internet safety and even a booklet with ideas for integrating internet safety into the curriculum.
The Massachusetts Department of Education have recently been revising their technology literacy standards. The March 2008 draft includes standards for ethics, society, health and safety for grade K-12. The standards cover a variety of internet safety issues including cybersecurity, cyberbullying, and online personal safety.
Hopefully it won't be long before these measures are implented in Mass.
It should be interesting to see how many states follow suit, and how long it takes.
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