Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cell Phone Security

Usually, when we talk about cell phone safety the conversation is about sexting, cyberbullying or the dangers of texting while driving (Don't do that!). However, CNET published a good article today about a different type of Smart Phone safety. It is a look at the most frequently asked questions about the biggest security threats for mobile phones including:
  • Theft/loss
  • Malware delivered through email or text message
  • Phishing text messages
According to security experts, the biggest threat for a mobile device is loss or theft. They suggest that if you store any personal or sensitive data on your phone that you should keep your device password protected. Also, just like with your regular computer, you should be very careful about who you give personal information to. Social security numbers, credit card numbers and PIN numbers should not be sent via text or email from your phone, especially if you received an unsolicited message asking for that information.

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